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Safety Steel

Steel Pipe Bollards

Steel pipe bollards are heavy-duty posts that are embedded deep into the substrate and filled with concrete. They can be used in parking lots, around gas pumps, before storefront windows, and to outline pedestrian areas, among many other uses.

Chrome Pipe Bollard - Universal Steel Supply - Savannah, Ga
Pipe Bollards - Universal Steel Supply - Savannah, Ga
Pipe Bollard with Lights - Universal Steel Supply - Savannah, Ga

How Steel Pipe Bollards Are Used


You might not have noticed, but steel pipe bollards can be found everywhere. One of their main purposes, and a very important purpose is security. Next time you’re at a bank ATM, look for a pipe bollard. Their purpose is to stop a vehicle from intruding and causing a security breach.

Another way steel pipe bollards are used for security is at the gas pump. These pipes are critical to protecting the gas pump from run-ins which could cause a massive explosion.


In some cases, pipe bollards can be used for not only protection but also to highlight the surrounding architecture. Some ornamental components can be added to bollards to give them a more visually appealing aesthetic. Lights can be added to the tops, bollards can have a stainless steel finish to make them look clean and sleek or they can have covers placed on them in any color.


Steel bollards can also help guide traffic by having them line pedestrian traffic areas which drastically decreases accidents and protects pedestrians.

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